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Bulk upload

You can upload items in bulk. If the items are successfully uploaded, it returns a feed ID. Use the returned feed ID to retrieve a feed status.
You can use the Bulk Item Setup API for any of the following item spec versions, just specify the corresponding feed type as a query parameter. Please ensure the WFS onboarding is complete before using WFS Specs or converting items to WFS

  • Item spec version X.X feed type: MP_ITEM_INTL
  • WFS Item spec version X.X feed type: OMNI_WFSSETUP
  • Convert an existing item to WFS X.X feed type : OMNI_WFSCONVERT
  • MP Maintenance spec version X.X feed type: MP_MAINTENANCE
  • Item SKU association with Shipping Template: SKU_TEMPLATE_MAP
  • Node level inventory using spec: MP_INVENTORY* Set up item by match X.X feed type: MP_ITEM_MATCH

You can upload items in bulk. If the items are successfully uploaded, it returns a feed ID. Use the returned feed ID to retrieve a feed status.You can use the Bulk Item Setup API for any of the following item spec versions, just specify the corresponding feed type as a query parameter. Please ensure the WFS onboarding is complete before using WFS Specs or converting items to WFS Item spec version X.X feed type: MP_ITEM_INTL WFS Item spec version X.X feed type: OMNIWFSSETUP Convert an existing item to WFS X.X feed type : OMNIWFSCONVERT MP Maintenance spec version X.X feed type: MPMAINTENANCE Item SKU association with Shipping Template: SKUTEMPLATE_MAP Node level inventory using spec: MP_INVENTORY* Set up item by match X.X feed type: MP_ITEM_MATCH

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