Ship with Walmart - international shipping

If I cannot integrate via API, what other options do I have?

Ship with Walmart Affiliate has non-API solutions. Go to

Which are the aggregators integrated with Ship with Walmart (SWW)?

These aggregators currently have integrations with SWW:

Can I integrate with both SWW Ground and SWW Express?

No. Currently, you cannot integrate with both SWW Ground and SWW Express; however, you can choose to integrate with SWW Express and a SWW Affiliate. For more information, see:

What label sizes does Ship with Walmart support?

Ship with Walmart only supports 4-in x 6-in and 8.5-in x 11-in labels. Contact [email protected] for label questions specific to Ship with Walmart.

We received the following error: Seller is not active in IMD. Now what?

Contact your IMD Seller support member for help at [email protected].

To use the Ship with Walmart International Shipping API, Sellers must complete all onboarding steps before their international shipping account can be activated.

What does the following error mean: Order not found in the system. Please enter correct PurchaseOrderId and try again?

Only Purchase Orders placed after your Ship with Walmart account activation can be shipped via the SWW International Shipping API. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, contact [email protected]

Where can I get my Consumer ID and Private Key for the developer portal?

You can get your Consumer ID and Private Key from the Seller Centre:

  1. Go to the Seller Centre
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select API > Consumer IDs and Private Keys.

Note: Private keys for Canada Marketplace are 848 characters long.

How can I regenerate my Private Key?

To regenerate your Private Key, log in to the developer portal.

  1. Go to
  2. Select My Account.
  3. Select Marketplace. The Key Generation page displays.

To learn more about Digital Signature, see Authentication.

I am an aggregator. How do I integrate with International Shipping API?

Aggregators must complete the Canada Marketplace Toolkit, complete an agreement with the Ship with Walmart program, and then implement the API.

To learn about API integration, see International Shipping.

I am an aggregator. How do I integrate with International Shipping API?

No, the API does not update the Seller Center with shipment confirmations.

You need to update the tracking information in the Seller Centre:

  1. Go to the Orders Management.
  2. Select the Order you want to update.
  3. Update values for Carrier and Tracking number. Specify the tracking information that is generated by the International Shipping API.
    Ship with Walmart Express – Select Carrier ‘SWW Express via Fedex’ and input Tracking Number. This systematically creates the tracking URL in the Seller Centre for that order.
    Ship with Walmart Ground – Select Carrier ‘SWW Ground via Purolator’ and input the Tracking Number that was generated from the International Shipping API.

    Important: Do not select ‘Purolator Inc.’ from the drop-down menu. This is used for Canadian Domestic Shipments only.

For more details, see International Shipping.

I have integrated with the API, but I don’t get the expected response and can’t create a shipment. How can I get tech support?

Sellers can contact [email protected] for tech questions about Ship with Walmart International Shipping API.

To create a support ticket, see Walmart Marketplace Learn.

How can I test my integration?

Each API provides test support. To use test support, set the header value “WM.TEST_MODE” to true.

This returns a static response with request fields mapped to the response. You can invoke the API even if the seller is not fully onboarded to Ship with Walmart platforms.

With this test integration, sellers can verify the API signature. The APIs will validate whether the required fields are present. However, sellers cannot generate new labels based on the information provided. The API will only return a sample label.

There is no separate test environment for the Ship with Walmart API.

Do I need the Canada FedEx account number?

No. A FedEx Account is not required to integrate with the Ship with Walmart International Shipping API.

I'm interested in Ship with Walmart service. How do I get started?

To get started, contact your Key Account Manager or email us at International Marketplace Development [email protected]

For more details about the Ship with Walmart program, see Ship with Walmart Program in Marketplace Learn.