Request an item report

Sellers can use the on-request Item report to view their entire catalog.

Note: All example API calls shown assume the Walmart API endpoint:

rowFilters such as enumFilter and rangeFilter can be used to get specific results.


This can be used to filter based on preset parameters and their associated values. Currently, the supported columnName value are:

  1. PRODUCT CATEGORY: Category in which the item was setup. Please use 4.x categories (for example: Animal Accessories, Animal Food, Animal Health & Grooming, etc.).

  2. PUBLISH STATUS: Status of the item added to the catalog. Values can be as follows:



    • STAGE




This can be used to filter based on a range. You must pass a parameter with the floor range value, ceiling range value, or both values. Currently, the supported columnName values are ITEM CREATION DATE and ITEM LAST UPDATED for the rangeFilter.

Report field descriptions

The CSV report file contains the following fields. The identifiers can be specified by either the seller or Walmart.

Average ratingThe average rating this item has received on
CurrencyThe total item sales this year for that particular SKU for the selected date
GTINThe Global Trade Item Number associated with this item
Item IDAn ID used internally to track items. This ID can be found at the end of the Item Page URL for that item
Item Creation DateThe date you created this item
Item last UpdatedThe date you most recently updated this item’s content by resubmitting it
Item Page URLA link to the page on for your item
Lifecycle StatusIndicates whether your item is retired or active
Offer StartThe date when this item became available to sell on
Offer EndThe date when this item is scheduled to be taken off
PartnerIDAn identifier Walmart uses internally for Sellers, often to assist Solution Providers
PrimaryImageURLThe URL for the item’s Main Image
PrimaryCatPathThe navigation path a customer would follow to find your item on by browsing, which ends in the shelf name
ProductNameThe name you have provided for your item
ProductCategoryA general bucket that your item would fall into, which will soon be replaced with the categories you used when uploading your items
PriceThe price you are currently charging for this item
PublishStatusWhether the item is currently live on
ReviewsCountThe number of reviews this item has on
SearchableWhether customers can find your item on using the search bar
ShelfNameThe final shelf where your item lives on
ShipMethodA list of all the shipping methods you offer for this item
SKUThe SKU you provided for this item
Status ChangeThe reason why your status has changed from Published to Unpublished. For more information, read the Status Change Reasons in the Item Report
UPCThe Universal Product Code associated with this item
WPIDThe Walmart Product ID, which is used internally to track items
Variant Group IDVariant Group ID is a unique identifier that you create and use to find the items in a variant group
Primary VariantThe Primary Variant is the item that appears when users search and is the default view on the Item Page
Variant Grouping AttributesVariant Attribute Names indicate what attributes vary within the group
Variant Grouping ValueVariant Attribute Names indicate the corresponding vales for attributes that vary within the group