Manage Iitems

Process mode

The process mode is used to identify what action a user needs to perform for a given item. The supported values for the process mode is listed in the table below.

The following table describes each process mode:

Process ModeDescriptionElement RequiredNotes
CREATECreates a new item.MPProduct and MPOfferAn error will occur if the request is sent with only MPProduct element.
REPLACE_ALLReplaces MPProduct and MPOffer informationMPProduct or MPOfferThe default value is the MPProduct element.
PARTIAL_UPDATEMerges the contents of itemMPProductAn error will occur if the request is sent with the MPOffer element.

Product ID & SKU

Product ID and SKU are important identifiers for Walmart systems. Walmart merges items with the same Product ID and shows them as one item sold by multiple sellers. If you provide the wrong Product ID, your item will be merged incorrectly, which can increase your order cancellation rate, create bad customer experience, produce customer fraud complaints and result in a lower rating on your Seller Scorecard.

How to update an item’s product ID

To update the item’s Product Identifier, follow the steps below:

  1. Provide the new productId for the item in the Feed File.

  2. In the XML payload file, look for ProductIdUpdate attribute.

  3. Set the ProductIdUpdate attribute to Yes.

  4. Upload the Feed File.

When the Feed is successfully processed, the item will have the new Product ID.

How to update an item SKU

To update the item SKU, follow the steps below:

  1. Provide the new SKU for the item in the Feed File.

  2. In the XML payload file, look for SkuUpdate attribute.

  3. Set the SkuUpdate attribute to Yes.

  4. Upload the Feed file.

When the feed is successfully processed, the item will have the new SKU.

Secondary image deletion

To delete old SECONDARY/SWATCH images, please send the value for processMode as REPLACE_ALL.

Shipping override

Shipping overrides can be used to specify shipping attributes such as ShipMethod, ShipRegion, ShipPrice. For more information, please refer to Shipping Methods and Timing.

For ShippingOverrideAction, you can set up the following values:

REPLACE_ALL: This action value replaces all existing shipping overrides with the given shipping override.

DELETE_ALL: This action value deletes all the shipping orders and there will be NO shipping override.

Note: If there is no action element, no action will be performed and the override will be kept as-is.