Item management API overview

The Item Management APIs enable you to set up and manage items on Once you have completed Registration and have access to your Consumer ID and Private Key, you can get started with the integration process.

For Sellers and Partners looking for general help with item set up, go to SellerHelp Walmart. This Knowledge Base helps Partners and Sellers with a wide variety of topics ranging from Variant Setup to Swatches.

The item is the basic building block for all of your operations. An item includes the item you are trying to sell as well as the listing price for the item. To make your items available for customers to purchase on the items must have their prices adjusted (optional), have inventory assigned, submitted, and published.

A submitted item is one that has been successfully parsed and classified. The amount of time this takes is typically a few hours.

A published item is one that has had all necessary attributes confirmed and has been back-flushed through all required Walmart systems. Publishing typically takes a few hours.

Submission and publishing are triggered by a single action on the part of the Seller, while adding or changing inventory is a separate action. A monitoring process should be set up to ensure your items are pushed to