Digital Signature

Generate the Digital Signature Using an Executable JAR file (Recommended)

To generate your digital signature using the executable JAR file, follow these steps:

  1. Download Java 6.0 or greater. If it is not installed on your computer, go to:
  2. Download the Digital Signature executable JAR file.
  3. Use the following command to run the executable JAR file:
java -jar DigitalSignatureUtil-1.0.0.jar DigitalSignatureUtil {requestUrl} {consumerId} {privateKey} {requestMethod} {filePath}

The executable JAR file uses five parameters, see the table below:

requestUrlThe full URL to call, including path and query parametersYes
consumerIdThe Consumer ID retrieved from Developer Center after loginYes
privateKeyThe vendor’s Base-64-encoded, PKCS#8 stored Private KeyYes
requestMethodUse method GET (all capital letters) to call this APIYes
filePathThe absolute (full) path of the file desired for the digital signature and timestamp. The digital signature and timestamp can also be viewed in the console.Yes

Note: Your program must run this executable JAR file in the directory where the executable JAR file is located.

Running the executable JAR file returns the following two headers as the console output.


Note: Generate the signature and a timestamp for every API call, even if it is for the same API.

Check out the full Authentication guide to try other methods for generating your digital signature.