Fetch Review Status

Retrieve review status of ad group that is under review. You can retrieve this status for advertisers, based on advertiser ID and ad group ID


  • If you provide only advertiser id, all ad groups for this advertiser with a review history will be returned.
  • You will receive all historical reviews for an ad group in the response.
  • You should check the status of review on an hourly cadence.
  • To learn about SLA for review completion, please refer Sponsored Brands Guideline Document.


URL: ​GET/api/v1/review

Query Parameters

ParameterDescriptiontypeRequiredPossible Values
adGroupIdThe ID of the ad group for which you want to retrieve reviews integerNA valid ad group ID
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiserintegerYA valid advertiser ID 



Header NameDescriptionRequiredValues
AuthorizationThe token will provide you the access to the API. It is same for all advertisers you access through the API.YPlease utilize the generated auth_token shared with you at the time of partner onboarding from the Getting Started Guide
WM_CONSUMER.IDWe will provide you the consumer ID to access the API. It is same for all advertisers you access through the API.   YPlease use the generated ConsumerId shared with you at the time of partner onboarding. Refer to the Getting Started Guide for more information
WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATUREAuth signature as an API key.YUse the signature generator code from Getting Started Guide to generate this value
WM_SEC.KEY_VERSIONWe will provide you with the KEY VERSION to access the API. It is same for all advertisers you access through the API.Y1
WM_CONSUMER.intimestampTimestamp for which the auth signature is generated. Use Unix epoch format for the timestamp.YUse the signature generator code from Getting Started Guide to generate this value

Sample Request

curl -X GET \ 'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v1/review?adGroupId=700001&advertiserId=123456' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \ --header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \ --header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \  --header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \ --header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779'\


Element DescriptionType
reviewIdID of the review for advertiser integer
campaignIDID of the campaign for whose ad group, the reviews are fetched integer
adGroupIdID of the ad group  integer
reviewStatusSpecified status of campaign. Possible values of status are: pending, inProgress, complete, cancelledstring
reviewCommentsComments given as part of this review. This is an array holding following elements:
  • commentType: The type of this particular comment for given advertiser ID and ad group ID. The data type is string.
  • comments: piece of text for this comment. The data type is string.
    • The possible types are: content, keyword
  • For each rejected item, you will receive a review reason. If it is “Other”, then refer to review comments in review response (“commentType” = “content”) for more details.
  • For rejected bidded keywords, you will receive a review reason as part of review response (“commentType” is “keyword” comment). Please refer to Sponsored Brands Guideline Document for keyword compliance.
  • For Sponsored Brands profile, “GET SBA profile” API endpoint will provide you a “reviewReason” if it is rejected

Sample Response

[ { "reviewId": "400001", "campaignId": "600002", "adGroupId": "200002", "reviewStatus": "pending", "reviewComments": [ { "commentType": "content", "comments": "comment1" }, { "commentType": "keyword", "comments": "comment2" } ] } ]